Complaint Form

  • The Pewaukee School District Board of Education and Administration believe the quality of our District improves when we listen to complaints, consider different opinions, and resolve concerns through a systematic and open process. Board of Education Policy 2000.07 - Resolving Constituent Concerns encourages resolution of concerns early, at the level closest to the concern, and informally, if possible. We encourage you to review this policy available on the Board of Education section of the District web site.

    If, after employing the recommended steps outlined in Policy 2000.07, your concern remains unresolved, you may submit a formal complaint as early as possible in accordance with appropriate District procedures. If you would like to file a complaint, please use the online form below.

    Upon receipt the District will:

    • Attempt to resolve the complaint with the assistance of appropriate personnel
    • Track and monitor the complaint
    • Follow the complaint procedures
    • Notify parents, employees, committees, students and other interested parties of complaint procedures, including opportunity to appeal

    The Board of Education recognizes that the District is responsible for complying with applicable state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. The District follows uniform complaint procedures when addressing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination based on age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, or mental or physical disability in any program or activity. Specialized reporting forms for complaints of this nature are explained in Board of Education Policy. Please see the following Board of Education policies for more specialized information and reporting guidelines pertaining to the filing of discrimination complaints:

    • 5300.08 Student Harassment
    • 3400.10 Employee Harassment
    • 6200.01 Equality of Educational Opportunity

    If you have questions or concerns, please contact Superintendent Mike Cady at 262-695-5046 or via email at

    To submit a complaint, click on the link below to access the form:

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