• TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (AUP) Pewaukee School District provides access to information technology and communication resources for employees and students for educational and business purposes. This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) governs all electronic activity of students and staff using and accessing the district’s technology, Internet, and data systems regardless of the user’s physical location. Information technology and communication resources, hereafter referred to as “systems,” refers to Internet connections (including wireless connections), e-mail accounts, intranet, any remote connection to District systems, telephones (including cell phones and the voicemail system), computers (whether used on or off campus), fax machines, digital communications, wireless access points, printers, cameras, removable storage devices, and any other device or equipment that the District reasonably deems to fall within the scope of this policy. By using the District’s systems, users agree to abide by the policy and all other District guidelines, policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. All staff and students are required to have a signed agreement form on file. School computers, Chromebooks, tablets, memory devices, networks, and related hardware and/or software are the property of the Pewaukee Public Schools, and at no time does the District relinquish its exclusive control of these items.

    GENERAL USE The use of the District’s technology systems is a privilege rather than a right. Technology systems shall not be used to disseminate destructive, sexually explicit, vulgar, indecent, discriminatory, harassing, offensive or lewd communications. Inappropriate use of District technology systems, including interfering with network function and the standardization of work equipment, may result in the limitation or revocation of computer access, reimbursement for time and/or materials, and/or other disciplinary action as deemed appropriate.31

    PRIVACY AND MONITORING The Pewaukee Public Schools reserves the right to inspect and review computer files. Such an inspection may be conducted by school authorities when they deem it necessary, without notice, without user consent, and without a search warrant. Such an inspection shall be done to insure that the computer system is being properly used and to insure the integrity of the network. Users of the system shall have no expectation of privacy with respect to such use. Consequently, all software, email, voicemail, files, digital communications, and other information or documents used, generated, transmitted or received over District data, voice or video networks, or stored on District equipment, are the property of the District. The District retains the right to review, monitor, audit, intercept, access and disclose all messages or information created, received or sent over District data, voice or video networks, or stored on its equipment. External electronic storage devices are subject to monitoring if used with District resources. Additionally, email messages, text messages, and other documents created or received by staff may be subject to release in accordance with applicable public records law.

    FILTERING In accordance to Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”), the District blocks or filters content over the Internet that the District considers inappropriate for minors. This includes pornography, obscene material, and other material that may be harmful to minors. The District may also block or filter other content deemed to be inappropriate, lacking educational or work-related content, or that poses a threat to the network. However, students, parents and staff should understand that no filtering software is 100% effective. The District may, in its discretion, disable such filtering for certain users for bona-fide research or other lawful educational or business purposes. The District has no ability to filter content on devices using personal cellular data plans. Users shall not use any website, application, or methods to bypass filtering of the network or perform any other unlawful activities. Additional information regarding CIPA can be found here: http://fcc.us/174NFg5

    MOBILE AND PERSONALLY-OWNED DEVICES The District permits approved use of mobile technology devices (including laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, and cell phones) by students and staff in support of teaching and learning, managing resources, and connecting with stakeholders. Limited use of personal devices is also permitted so long as it does not interfere with educational or employment responsibilities, consume more than an unreasonable amount of network resources, and violate state, federal law, or Board policies. The District is not liable for the loss, damage, or misuse of any personal mobile technology device while on District property or while attending school-sponsored activities. The District also reserves the right to examine any device at any time to ensure compliance with policies.

    STUDENT NETWORK (INCLUDING INTERNET) USE PROCEDURES The Pewaukee School District believes that knowledge of technology and electronic information is fundamental to learning. The District encourages reasonable access to various information formats and believes it is incumbent upon users of this technology to avail themselves of this privilege in an appropriate and responsible manner.

    EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE Access to the technology in the Pewaukee Public Schools has been established for educational purposes. All school technology (hardware and software) and network accounts must be used in support of the educational objectives of the District. Users are responsible for anything sent on the network with their name on it or via their account. The use of the Pewaukee Public Schools network is a privilege, not a right, which may be revoked at any time for abusive or inappropriate conduct. Users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette including but not limited to the following: Examples of Acceptable Use I will: ● Follow guidelines for respectful, responsible behavior. ● Encourage positive, constructive discussion when using technology. ● Treat school resources carefully, and alert staff if there is any problem with their operation. ● Alert a teacher or other staff member if I see threatening/bullying, inappropriate, or harmful content (images, messages, posts) online. See something, say something. ● Use school technologies at appropriate times, in approved places, for educational pursuits only. ● Cite sources when using online sites and resources for research; ensure there is no copyright infringement.33 ● Recognize that use of school technologies is a privilege and treat it as such. ● Be cautious to protect the safety of myself and others. ● Help to protect the security of school resources. ● Use appropriate language and communication in all mediums. ● Keep my password and account information private. Examples of Unacceptable Use Users may not engage in any of the activities forbidden by these procedures when using or accessing the District’s system. If a user is uncertain whether behavior is forbidden he or she should contact a teacher, supervisor or other appropriate District personnel. The District reserves the right to take immediate action regarding activities that (1) create security and/or safety issues (2) expend District resources on content the District determines lacks legitimate educational interest or (3) the District determines are inappropriate. I will not: ● Use school technologies in a way that could be personally or physically harmful to myself, others, or District property. ● Search inappropriate images or content. ● Engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or disrespectful conduct toward others–staff or students. ● Try to find ways to circumvent the school’s safety measures and filtering tools. ● Use school technologies to send spam, phish, or chain mail. ● Download, post, reproduce or distribute music, photographs, video, software, or other works in violation of applicable copyright laws. ● Plagiarize content I find online. ● Post personally-identifying information about myself or others including name, address, phone number, etc. ● Agree to meet someone I meet online in real life. ● Use language online that would be unacceptable in the classroom. ● Use school technology for illegal activities or to pursue information on such activities. ● Attempt to hack or access sites, servers, accounts, or content that isn’t intended for my use including accessing another person’s account. ● Use the District system for commercial purposes or for personal financial gain. ● Use the District’s system on behalf of any elected official, candidate, candidates, slate of candidates or a political organization or committee. ● Engage in criminal or other unlawful activities including accessing or distributing obscene, discriminatory, harassing, abusive, sexually explicit, or threatening language or materials. ● Use a recording device in any locker room or bathroom. ● Film or photograph or record any student, teacher, or other District employee without his/her permission. ● Install software or applications onto District devices.34 ● Relocate computers, add or remove peripherals, remove cords or connections, or dismantle a device in any way. ● Change, alter, bypass, or attempt to bypass security measures including filtered Internet sites This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Users should use their own good judgment when using school technologies.

    MOBILE TECHNOLOGY The District reserves the right to examine and/or confiscate any device at any time to ensure compliance with policies. Mobile technology devices may include laptop computers, cell phones, wireless devices, digital cameras, storage devices, or other electronics that may be carried on a person Students and their parents/guardians shall be responsible for any damage and shall be held responsible for the replacement of parts or technician time to correct that which has been altered or destroyed. Students may use personally-owned devices as allowed by building guidelines—unless such use interferes with the delivery of instruction by a teacher or staff or creates a disturbance in the educational environment. Any misuse of personally-owned devices may result in disciplinary action. Therefore, proper etiquette and adherence to the acceptable use policy should always be used. In some cases, a separate network may be provided for personally-owned devices.

    APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE ● Appropriate language must be used in all private and shared documents and communications.

    PRIVACY OF PERSONAL INFORMATION ● Do not reveal personal information including name, address, phone number, etc., or personal information of others to anyone. ● Under no circumstances should a personal password/account be provided to another person. ● Users may not access an account other than their own nor misrepresent their identity.

    SOFTWARE ● All software (networked and non-networked) must be loaded by and stored with the Information Technology personnel (i.e., IT Director, Network Engineer, IT Support Technician).

    E-MAIL All messages sent or received via the District email system are the property of the District and may be reviewed, accessed, and disclosed as deemed necessary by the District. Use of email, including personal business, must be consistent with the policies and objectives of the District. Transmitting 35 spam messages, chain letters, or inappropriate email may be considered a violation of District policies and procedures and may result in disciplinary action. The District’s e-mail system may not be used as a means to bully or threaten others (i.e., cyberbullying). Therefore, the following electronic activities are forbidden: a. Sending a message to a person that threatens to inflict injury or physical harm to that person or their property, with the intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten, abuse, or harass that person; b. Sending a message to a person that uses any obscene, lewd, or profane language or images or suggests any lewd or lascivious act; c. Intentionally preventing or attempting to prevent the disclosure of his or her own identity when sending a message to a person; d. Sending repeated messages with the intent of harassing that person.

    EQUIPMENT ● It is unacceptable to relocate computers, add peripherals, remove any cords or connections, or dismantle a computer in any way. ● Staff shall be responsible for any damage that they directly cause and shall be held responsible for the replacement of parts or technician time to correct that which has been altered or destroyed. ● Staff not abiding by the above provisions may be subject to disciplinary action.

Technology Expectations